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Ten Days of contemporary performance over the phone and digital platforms inspired by the Decameron book written in Florence during the Death Plague in the 14th century. An occasion of being together while in isolation. 


A series of original interactive work developed in response to the spread of COVID-19




Monday, March 23rd - 8pm

Decameron Today

An introduction to the Decameron with the reading of best short stories of the book with Daniele Bartolini and Rory de Brouwer.

reserve here:



Tuesday, March 24th - 8pm

Audience Story-Telling 

Audience members read a short story that they think is important today to share- finished with a story told by actor Rory de Brouwer.

reserve here:



Thursday, March 26th- 8pm

Laugh When it Hurts 

A collection of hilarious stories and a comedy night with the DLT Artists.

reserve here:



Friday, March 27th- 8pm

The Invisible City: Episode 2

An adaptation of the second second episode of The Invisible City inspired by the masterpiece of Calvino readapted for a digital performance where participants meet remotely.

reserve here:



Saturday, March 28th- 8pm

Mystery Guest 

An unknown and surprising guest telling a mystery story to the audience.

reserve here:



Sunday, March 29th- 8pm 

Samuel Beckett, I Love You.

Small performances inspired by the genius of Samuel Beckett and his masterpieces. 

reserve here:



Tuesday, March 31st- 8pm

The Human Voice 

The masterpiece of Jean Cocteau adapted of a phone version with Danya Buonastella. Set in Paris, this monodrama sees a woman on the phone with her lover of the last five years the night which is marrying to another woman the next day.

reserve here:



Wednesday, April 1st- 8pm

Decameron Tomorrow

Bridging with Italy this event will connect audiences with acclaimed Italian actor Anna Amadori. She will give a performance that reflects on the current state of things in Italy and the value of the Decameron to build community based work.

reserve here:






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